ANSES The French Agency for Food, Environmental, and Occupational Health and Safety is a public administrative establishment under the guardianship of the ministers responsible for health, agriculture, environment, work and consumer affairs.
Anses uses scientific, independent and pluralist expertise.
It contributes mainly to ensuring the human sanitary safety in the fields of environment, work and food.
It also contributes to ensuring :
- the protection of health and well-being of animals ;
- the protection of the health of plants ;
- the evaluation of the functional and nutritional properties of foods.
It carries out tasks relating to veterinary medications.
ANSM (French National Agency for Safety of Medication and Health Products),
Created by the law of 29th December 2011 relating to the reinforcement of the safety of medication and health products, it was put in place
on 1st May 2012 (following the publication of French decree number 2012-597 on 27th April 2012).
It is a public establishment under the guardianship of the minister in charge of health: ANSM has taken over the tasks, obligations and competences exercised by Afssaps (the French Health Products Safety Agency).
COFACE La Coface markets insurance-credit solutions which aim to protect businesses against the risk of financial failure on the part of their buyers.
In the early stages, thanks to a meticulous and complete analysis of country, sectorial and credit risks, the Group helps its clients to evaluate and prevent the risks, in order that they may make the best decisions at the best moment.
This analysis is able to take place due to a strong international network network which also allows the group to offer its clients insurance-credit services in 97 countries, directly or via its partners.
EAEPC (The European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies) represents more than 70 national distributors and associations
active in the parallel trading of medication in 18 countries. Pharma Lab is a member of this organisation.
The aim of EAEPC is to safeguard the free exchange of medication through Europe and to defend it against any attempt to limit
the consumers’ choice. The association claims that free circulation will lead to an increase in the quality of the health services
and to an increased availability of innovative medication.
All the products distributed by the EAEPC member companies benefit from a parallel importation authorisation given by the national
or European authorities (EMEA – European Medicines Agency), are 100% safe, of exclusively European origin and intended for export
within the European Economic Community.